Due to the updated Covid Safe Industry Plan for the Queensland Sex Industry….QLD brothels are not permitted to offer the option of spending time with with 2 or more of our stunning in-house escorts. We are hoping that as Covid cases remain extremely low in QLD that we may soon be able to offer this incredibly sexy and fun service. Until then, Montecito is committed to abiding by the current QLD Health requirements laid out in the current plan. Sorry boys! Any questions regarding the Industry Plan please contact the PLA or QABA by clicking the acronym for the website links.
What is the Cameo Experience: you’ve chosen a beautiful lady to spend some time with at Montecito, what could possibly top this…..an extra girl! The Montecito Cameo experience is available when booking a session, you can then choose to add an extra lady for 15mins!! Two ladies = twice the fun.
Please refer to our rates page for details.